Results for 'Eliana Martuccello Harder'

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  1. Práticas de autoavaliação em instituições de educação superior do município de sorocaba/sp.Eliana Martuccello Harder - 2011 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 13 (1):p - 25.
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    Re-worlding through Mourning: A Conversation with Artist and Scholar Eliana Otta on her Project, "Virtual Sanctuary for Fertilizing Mourning" (Interview).Eliana Otta & Andrea Vela-Alarcón - 2024 - Studies in Social Justice 18 (4):873-892.
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    From the Lexicon to Expectations About Kinds: A Role for Associative Learning.Eliana Colunga & Linda B. Smith - 2005 - Psychological Review 112 (2):347-382.
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    Classifying torsion free groups in o-minimal expansions of real closed fields.Eliana Barriga & Alf Onshuus - 2016 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 167 (12):1267-1297.
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    There's no such thing as a free lunch: A computational perspective on the costs of motivation.Eliana Vassena & Jacqueline Gottlieb - 2025 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 48:e47.
    Understanding the psychological computations underlying motivation can shed light onto motivational constructs as emergent phenomena. According to Murayama and Jach, reward-learning is a key candidate mechanism. However, there's no such thing as a free lunch: Not only benefits (like reward), but also costs inherent to motivated behaviors (like effort, or uncertainty) are an essential part of the picture.
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    Exercices spirituels, études de mots, expériences d’images : réflexions sur l’exemple du Moyen Âge.Eliana Magnani & Daniel Russo - 2013 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 63 (1):48-61.
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    Doctors’ perceptions of how resource limitations relate to futility in end-of-life decision making: a qualitative analysis.Eliana Close, Ben P. White, Lindy Willmott, Cindy Gallois, Malcolm Parker, Nicholas Graves & Sarah Winch - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (6):373-379.
    ObjectiveTo increase knowledge of how doctors perceive futile treatments and scarcity of resources at the end of life. In particular, their perceptions about whether and how resource limitations influence end-of-life decision making. This study builds on previous work that found some doctors include resource limitations in their understanding of the concept of futility.SettingThree tertiary hospitals in metropolitan Brisbane, Australia.DesignQualitative study using in-depth, semistructured, face-to-face interviews. Ninety-six doctors were interviewed in 11 medical specialties. Transcripts of the interviews were analysed using thematic (...)
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    Ethical Challenges in Refugee Health: A Global Public Health Concern.Eliana Aaron - 2013 - Hastings Center Report 43 (3).
    Medications of choice, necessary supplies, and evidence-based health care now seem like luxuries. The contrast between my experience at a well-funded health unit and the Lev El Lev (“heart to heart”) African Refugee Clinic in Tel Aviv, Israel, is staggering. The complex personal, social, health, psychological, educational, and economic difficulties create a unique ethical environment for the health care provider.
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    The Effects of Transcutaneous Spinal Direct Current Stimulation on Neuropathic Pain in Multiple Sclerosis: Clinical and Neurophysiological Assessment.Eliana Berra, Roberto Bergamaschi, Roberto De Icco, Carlotta Dagna, Armando Perrotta, Marco Rovaris, Maria Grazia Grasso, Maria G. Anastasio, Giovanna Pinardi, Federico Martello, Stefano Tamburin, Giorgio Sandrini & Cristina Tassorelli - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Triagem estendida: Serviço oferecido por uma clínica-escola de Psicologia.Eliana Herzberg & Débora Chammas - 2009 - Paideia 42 (19):107-114.
  11. O ensino como lugar de encontros alegres: reflexões a partir da psicologia sócio-histórica e da filosofia de Espinosa // Teaching as a place of joyful encounters: reflections from the socio-historical psychology and the philosophy of Espinosa.Eliana Sousa Alencar Marques & Carvalho - 2015 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 20 (2):77-93.
    O artigo apresenta reflexões teóricas sobre a atividade de ensino que se torna práxis bem-sucedida. Essa discussão gira em torno de duas categorias teóricas: atividade e afetação. A atividade, categoria teórica de base marxista, é discutida a partir dos aportes da psicologia sócio-histórica. A categoria afetação é aqui analisada com base na filosofia de Baruc de Espinosa. Realizamos este estudo a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica que tem como objetivo refletir sobre o que contribui para que o professor consiga realizar um (...)
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    María Zambrano: il pensiero appassionato.Eliana Nobili - 2016 - Milano: Leone editore.
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    A note on linear resolution strategies in consequence-finding.Eliana Minicozzi & Raymond Reiter - 1972 - Artificial Intelligence 3 (C):175-180.
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    Institutional Objection to Voluntary Assisted Dying in Victoria, Australia: An Analysis of Publicly Available Policies.Eliana Close, Lindy Willmott, Louise Keogh & Ben P. White - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (3):467-484.
    Background Victoria was the first Australian state to legalize voluntary assisted dying (elsewhere known as physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia). Some institutions indicated they would not participate in voluntary assisted dying. The Victorian government issued policy approaches for institutions to consider Objective To describe and analyse publicly available policy documents articulating an institutional objection to voluntary assisted dying in Victoria. Methods Policies were identified using a range of strategies, and those disclosing and discussing the nature of an institutional objection were thematically (...)
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    An Eye Tracking Study on the Perception and Comprehension of Unimodal and Bimodal Linguistic Inputs by Deaf Adolescents.Mastrantuono Eliana, Saldaña David & R. Rodríguez-Ortiz Isabel - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Not Only Size Matters: Early‐Talker and Late‐Talker Vocabularies Support Different Word‐Learning Biases in Babies and Networks.Eliana Colunga & Clare E. Sims - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (S1):73-95.
    In typical development, word learning goes from slow and laborious to fast and seemingly effortless. Typically developing 2-year-olds seem to intuit the whole range of things in a category from hearing a single instance named—they have word-learning biases. This is not the case for children with relatively small vocabularies. We present a computational model that accounts for the emergence of word-learning biases in children at both ends of the vocabulary spectrum based solely on vocabulary structure. The results of Experiment 1 (...)
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    Charlie Gard: in defence of the law.Eliana Close, Lindy Willmott & Benjamin P. White - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (7):476-480.
    Much of the commentary in the wake of the Charlie Gard litigation was aimed at apparent shortcomings of the law. These include concerns about the perceived inability of the law to consider resourcing issues, the vagueness of the best interests test and the delays and costs of having disputes about potentially life-sustaining medical treatment resolved by the courts. These concerns are perennial ones that arise in response to difficult cases. Despite their persistence, we argue that many of these criticisms are (...)
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    Saberes pulsados por la “guerra”. Una revisión del corpus foucaulteano alrededor de la politicidad de la actividad experta.Eliana Lijterman - 2023 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 30:204-231.
    En las últimas décadas, se ha consolidado un campo de estudios alrededor de la expertise que articula enfoques y programas de investigación heterogéneos, según los modos de conceptualizar la relación entre ciencia y política, saber y poder, de fijar sus conexiones y de determinar el nivel del análisis para su abordaje. El corpus foucaulteano contiene herramientas analíticas fructíferas para el tratamiento sustantivo de la politicidad inherente a los saberes, al cuestionar las lecturas instrumentales de aquella relación e inscribir la actividad (...)
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    Manuel Mejía Vallejo, narrador del recuerdo.Eliana María Urrego Arango - 2016 - Escritos 24 (52):89-114.
    The article is an approach to the work of Colombian writer Manuel Mejía Vallejo having as starting point the recognition of the importance of memory for literary creation, especially the remembrance of childhood. It is evident in the work of Mejía Vallejo the intention of leaving proof of the time and space in which he lived, as well as a concern to work out the role of memory in the life of the human being. It is argued in the article (...)
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    Come il raggio rispetto alla luce: Edith Stein e i percorsi verso la verità: una lettura di Essere finito e essere eterno.Eliana Grande - 2013 - Crotone, Italy: D'Ettoris editori.
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  21. Approaches to pilgrimage: reading some post-independence pilgrimage accounts in modern South Asian languages.Hans Harder - 2020 - In Jürgen Schaflechner & Christoph Bergmann, Ritual journeys in South Asia: constellations and contestations of mobility and space. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Die verwandtschaftlichen Beziehungen der Servilia, Ehefrau des L. Licinius Lucullus: Schwester oder Nichte des Cato Uticensis?Ann-Cathrin Harders - 2007 - História 56 (4):453-461.
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    Lógos como condena y como liberación para el hombre en los escritos de Cioran.Eliana Verónica Lescano - 2020 - Cuadernos Filosóficos / Segunda Época 16.
    As Heraclitus, Cioran conceives man as a being that possesses lógos and is ruled in his life by it in its multiple aspects. Man not only makes use of word; this word also shapes him and traverses him entirely. Word is the necessary and intrinsic expression of every human being, and, as a result, he cannot elude it. In many of his works, Cioran warns us about the dangers that lógos has for man: not to find his genuine expression in (...)
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  24. Considerações e reflexões introdutórias sobre a dimensão epistemológica da educação.Eliana Soares & Neires Paviani - 2008 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 13 (1):103-122.
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  25. (1 other version)Institutional Evils, Culpable Complicity, and Duties to Engage in Moral Repair.Eliana Peck & Ellen K. Feder - 2017 - Metaphilosophy 48 (3):203-226.
    Apology is arguably the central act of the reparative work required after wrongdoing. The analysis by Claudia Card of complicity in collectively perpetrated evils moves one to ask whether apology ought to be requested of persons culpably complicit in institutional evils. To better appreciate the benefits of and barriers to apologies offered by culpably complicit wrongdoers, this article examines doctors’ complicity in a practice that meets Card's definition of an evil, namely, the non-medically necessary, nonconsensual “normalizing” interventions performed on babies (...)
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    Role of Emotional Appraisal in Episodic Memory in a Sample of Argentinean Preschoolers.Eliana Ruetti, María Soledad Segretin, Verónica Adriana Ramírez & Sebastian J. Lipina - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:434151.
    Emotional processing and episodic memory are closely related throughout childhood development. With respect to emotional episodic memory, available evidence shows that the consolidation of information is accompanied by an arousal that generates longer duration and persistence of the memory representations. In the case of early stages of development (i.e., first 5 years), it is less clear how these associations emerge and are modulated by individual and environmental factors. In this study, 116 4- to 5-years old Argentinean children from different socio-environmental (...)
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    Lost and Found in Translation: The Heart of Vernacular Theology in Late Medieval Italy.Eliana Corbari - 2013 - Franciscan Studies 71:263-279.
    Medieval theology is, at times, still conventionally identified with systematic thought as exemplified by the works of scholastic thinkers such as the Franciscan friar, Bonaventure of Bagnoregio, and the Dominican, Thomas Aquinas. However, this was not the only form of medieval theology. Influential studies have established that monastic theology can be treated as an older partner of scholasticism.1 An increasing number of scholars are adopting the concept of vernacular theology as a third theological tradition from medieval Christianity.2This essay considers vernacular (...)
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    Value-based modulation of effort and reward anticipation on the motor system.Vassena Eliana, Cobbaert Stephanie, Andres Michael, Fias Wim & Verguts Tom - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    The Copernican character of Einstein's cosmology.Allen Harder - 1972 - Annals of Science 29 (4):339-347.
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    Coração: uma leitura secular e sua presença no Brasil.Eliana Rela, Neiva Senaide Petry Panozzo & Juliane Petry Panozzo Cescon - 2022 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 27:022008.
    Este artigo é um recorte do projeto de pesquisa “Leitura de imagens no ensino de História: um estudo sobre mudanças e permanências nas prescrições, livro didático e representações culturais”. Ele apresenta uma análise, dentre as muitas possíveis, da condição leitora na obra Cuore, escrita por Edmondo De Amicis, traduzida para o português brasileiro com o título Coração. Centenário, o livro teve sua primeira edição publicada no ano de 1886, na Itália, e tornou-se um grande sucesso editorial, principalmente por ter sido (...)
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    Balancing Patient and Societal Interests in Decisions About Potentially Life-Sustaining Treatment: An Australian Policy Analysis.Eliana Close, Ben P. White & Lindy Willmott - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (3):407-421.
    BackgroundThis paper investigates the content of Australian policies that address withholding or withdrawing life-sustaining treatment to analyse the guidance they provide to doctors about the allocation of resources.MethodsAll publicly available non-institutional policies on withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining treatment were identified, including codes of conduct and government and professional organization guidelines. The policies that referred to resource allocation were isolated and analysed using qualitative thematic analysis. Eight Australian policies addressed both withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining treatment and resource allocation.ResultsFour resource-related themes were (...)
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  32. Active Ignorance, Antiracism, and the Psychology of White Shame.Eliana Peck - 2021 - Critical Philosophy of Race 9 (2):342-368.
    Active white ignorance is accompanied by an epistemic and affective insensitivity that allows American white people to avoid the negative affect that might typically accompany harmdoing. Resisting active ignorance about racism and white supremacy, therefore, often gives rise to shame. Yet, thinkers have debated the value of shame for white people’s antiracism. This article asserts that shame is an appropriate response for white people recognizing our culpability for and complicity in racist injustices and violence. However, the article exposes problems with (...)
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    Granny and Ivan.Worth T. Harder - 1990 - Renascence 42 (3):149-156.
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    13. Over the top: Recursion as a functional option.Peter Harder - 2010 - In Harry van der Hulst, Recursion and Human Language. De Gruyter Mouton. pp. 233-244.
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    Schriften. Griech.-Dt.: Indices. Verbunden mit einem Überblick über Plotins Philosophie und Lehrweise.Richard Harder - 1971 - Meiner, F.
    Plotin ist der intensivste und kraftvollste Denker im Kontext spätantiker Philosophie, von großer unmittelbarer und geschichtlich weitreichender Ausstrahlung. Er kann als ein Paradigma metaphysischen Denkens gelten, welches nicht nur die in sich differenzierte Wirklichkeit im ganzen aus einem Ursprung entfaltet, sondern Philosophie ebensosehr als die bestimmend-bewegende und "heilende" Lebensform vorstellt. Beginnend in der sinnlichen Erfahrung und im Begreifen der Vielheit der Phänomene soll sich das Denken - durch Rückwendung ins Innere - seiner selbst und seines eigenen Grundes bewußt werden. Ziel (...)
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  36. Nachträgliches zu humanitas.Richard Harder - 1934 - Hermes 69 (1):64-74.
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    Monumento ao imigrante: uma análise semiológica.Eliana Terezinha Moser & Taiza Mara Rauen Moraes - 2011 - Dialogos 15 (3).
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    A educação do educador na sociedade maquínica: a Ética e a Estética da docência e do desejo de docender.Eliana Romão - 2018 - Filosofia E Educação 10 (1):58-89.
    Debate a formação de educadores e de professores na sociedade contemporânea, com destaque para as políticas de formação de professores presentes na estrutura institucional do Estado e da sociedade brasileira. Analisa as condições históricas da produção das políticas de educação e, dentro delas, os aspectos de formação e de preparação de professores para as diversas etapas, graus e níveis da Educação Básica. Estuda as causas históricas e políticas do atraso cultural, institucional e político da organização da escola no Brasil e (...)
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    A qualitative study of experiences of institutional objection to medical assistance in dying in Canada: ongoing challenges and catalysts for change.Eliana Close, Ruthie Jeanneret, Jocelyn Downie, Lindy Willmott & Ben P. White - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-24.
    Background In June 2016, Canada legalized medical assistance in dying (MAiD). From the outset, some healthcare institutions (including faith-based and non-faith-based hospitals, hospices, and residential aged care facilities) have refused to allow aspects of MAiD onsite, resulting in patient transfers for MAiD assessments and provision. There have been media reports highlighting the negative consequences of these “institutional objections”, however, very little research has examined their nature and impact. Methods This study reports on findings from 48 semi-structured qualitative interviews conducted with (...)
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    Knowledge as Process: Contextually Cued Attention and Early Word Learning.Linda B. Smith, Eliana Colunga & Hanako Yoshida - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (7):1287-1314.
    Learning depends on attention. The processes that cue attention in the moment dynamically integrate learned regularities and immediate contextual cues. This paper reviews the extensive literature on cued attention and attentional learning in the adult literature and proposes that these fundamental processes are likely significant mechanisms of change in cognitive development. The value of this idea is illustrated using phenomena in children's novel word learning.
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    In Our Name: A Message from Jewish Students at Columbia University.Eliana Goldin, Elisha Baker, Rivka Yellin & Eden Yadegar - 2024 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2024 (207):89-93.
    ExcerptTo the Columbia Community:Over the past six months, many have spoken in our name. Some are wellmeaning alumni or non-affiliates who show up to wave the Israeli flag outside Columbia’s gates. Some are politicians looking to use our experiences to foment America’s culture war. Most notably, some are our Jewish peers who tokenize themselves1 by claiming to represent “real Jewish values,” and attempt to delegitimize our lived experiences of antisemitism. We are here, writing to you as Jewish students at Columbia (...)
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    Problema de la adopción: ¿un problema para un pluralismo respecto de la negación lógica?Eliana Franceschini - 2022 - Análisis Filosófico 42 (2):229-248.
    Partiendo de una serie de tesis respecto del significado de la negación lógica, se ofrece una reflexión acerca de la relación entre el pluralismo lógico y el estatus de ciertos principios lógicos fundamentales. El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar que el Problema de la Adopción, tal como se encuentra formulado por Kripke-Padró, no representa un conflicto para una visión antiexcepcionalista de la lógica. Las leyes lógicas no poseen un status privilegiado, independientemente de que existan algunas que no podemos adoptar, (...)
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    A influência da cultura japonesa através dos desenhos animados.Eliana Cristina de Alvarenga Saraiva Gorgatti - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 2 (2).
    Os heróis japoneses estão cada vez mais presentes no cotidiano brasileiro, influenciando o público infanto-juvenil e pré-adolescente. O animê ganhou força na década de 60 através de Osamu Tezuka. Os personagens são orientais, mas a narrativa é construída a partir da cultura pop. Hoje a preocupação se volta para Bey Blade -desenho atuante no inconsciente, colocando a razão em último plano, prevalecendo a alienação e a exclusão social.
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    The Truth of Appearance. From Optics to Psychology.Yves-Jean Harder - 2018 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 44:103-126.
    Lambert développe une conception originale de l’apparence, qui se distingue de la conception classique (Descartes) par le fait que la logique de l’apparence n’est pas déduite de la logique de la vérité, mais est restituée dans son ordre propre : la phénoménologie n’est pas l’alethiologie. L’apparence n’est pas illusion – sur ce point Lambert s’accorde avec les philosophes – mais elle n’est pas non plus réductible à l’ordre du savoir, bien que la connaissance de l’apparence soit une condition de la (...)
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    XIV. Prismata.Richard Harder - 1929 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 85 (1-4).
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    Zur Personenverteilung in Aristophanes' 'Rittern'.Ruth Harder - 1996 - Hermes 124 (1):29-44.
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    Escenarios de Conflicto y Resistencia En El Espacio Urbano Cordobés.Eliana Isabel Abraham - 2015 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 15:462-468.
    El texto presenta un adelanto de un profundo “trayecto” de trabajo colectivo en curso impulsado por un grupo de jóvenes investigadores y docentes que integran el Programa “Problemáticas comunicacionales barriales, organizacionales y políticas. Experiencias de lucha y resistencia a comienzos de siglo XXI en la provincia de Córdoba” (Argentina), desde el año 2011. La sistematización de las distintas experiencias, que presenta el libro, permite poner en común las peculiaridades de los contradictorios escenarios de conflicto y resistencia analizados, organizada en tres (...)
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  48. Joint Attention and Communication.Rory Harder - 2022 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (10):3796--3834.
    Joint attention occurs when two (or more) individuals attend together to some object. It has been identified by psychologists as an early form of our joint engagement, and is thought to provide us with an understanding of other minds that is basic in that sophisticated conceptual resources are not involved. Accordingly, it has also attracted the interest of philosophers. Moreover, a very recent trend in the psychological and philosophical literature on joint attention consists of developing the suggestion that it holds (...)
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    “How every Black man should be”: Historical narrative construction as identity rearticulation.Eliana Castro - 2023 - Journal of Social Studies Research 47 (1):40-55.
    This case study is a sociocultural analysis of how Kareem, a young Black man, both constructed a historical narrative and rearticulated two of his racialized identities. Kareem carried out two mediated actions. In the first, he incorporated cultural tools from the classroom—the schematic narrative template of racial progress and the specific narrative of the Movement—to support his thesis that NBA legend Bill Russell advanced the Civil Rights Movement. In the second, he positioned Bill Russell as a model Black man, drawing (...)
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    Anmerkungen.Richard Harder, Walter Marg & Ovid - 1978 - In Ovid, Liebesgedichte: Amores. Lateinisch Und Deutsch. De Gruyter. pp. 177-237.
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